
Anabah Maternity Centre in the Panshir Valley, Afghanistan.

This is the only specialised and completely free facility in a very large area of ​​the valley. It was created to provide gynaecological and obstetric care to women and their children, in a country where maternal and child mortality rates are among the worst in the world.

Pupa has supported the centre by contributing to its construction and to the costs of maintaining the surgical block, which has enabled the level of assistance and care to be improved. Today the new facility capacity guarantees 7,000 deliveries per year as well as related gynaecological and neonatal services. 

The facility’s important role is not solely limited to health care: it is also a training centre for Afghan staff, made up of women who work alongside the international team every day.

The Anabah Hospital has been recognised by the Government as a national training centre specialising in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, becoming a symbol of female empowerment.

Pupa and Emergency, working together for the rights of women and their children.

274,000 women treated
46,000 children born since 2009
500 births a month
98 women employed in the centre, of whom 40 are Afghan


In tutto il mondo, donne, ragazze e bambine affrontano discriminazione e violenza in ragione del loro genere. Nei contesti di conflitto e di fuga, le difficolta’ e i pericoli per loro aumentano. Ma anche quando raggiungono la sicurezza, sfollate e rifugiate affrontano sfide maggiori di quelle degli uomini. 

Ragazze e donne rifugiate costituiscono un target prioritario per l’UNHCR, l’Agenzia dell’ONU per i rifugiati, che dal 2017 puo’ contare sul sostegno di di Pupa per assicurare un risposta a bisogni come l’accesso all’istruzione (nelle emergenze, le bambine hanno il doppio delle probabilita’ dei maschietti di non andare a scuola), i servizi per la salute, la formazione professionale e l’accompagnamento di piccoli business per conquistare l’autonomia economica.

In Yemen, ad esempio, ogni anno il sostegno di PUPA consente di aiutare migliaia di ragazze e donne. Nei primi 8 mesi del 2020, anche grazie a PUPA, UNHCR ha assicurato:

- l’azione di psicologi, operatori sociali e legali che hanno raggiunto oltre 500 mila donne
- il funzionamento di 55 Case Protette per sfuggire alla violenza familiare
- servizi salvavita, inclusi quelli per la salute, a oltre 220 mila persone.

The Piri Piri nursery
Considering the very high percentage of mothers (or future mothers), it was natural for the company to think of a project that would help them in the arduous task of reconciling work and motherhood. The structure, located in a totally independent wing of the company and surrounded by a garden with facilities, will accommodate 15 children from the ages of 3 months to 3 years. The curriculum has been entrusted to a local nursery school that has been operating in the area for years and already manages another facility in the municipality. This is also why some places are reserved for children from outside.
Games, books, music. Gentle, relaxing colours in the sleeping area and fun and lively in the play areas: everything at the Piri Piri nursery is designed for the little ones because this is their space!